This is the last will and testament of me Edward Ballard the Elder of the parish of Tenterden in the County of Kent Farmer made and declared this 29th day of July in the year of our Lord 1816 as follows. First my mind and my will is that my Executors hereinafter named do as soon as conveniently can after my decease pay and discharge all my just debts personal expenses and the expense attending the proving and execution of this my will the rest residue and reaminder of my estate both Real and Personal I give devise and bequeath the same in the manner and form following (that is to say First I give devise and bequeath all my messuage or tenament with the lands and Heriditaments to the same belonging situate and lying and being in the several parishes of Tenterden and High Halden and now in my own tenure or occupation unto my two sons Edward and Robert Ballard their heirs and assigns for ever. To have the same as Tenants in Common and not as joint tenants subject nevertheless to the payment of one fourth part of the value thereof unto my Grandchildren the lawful heirs of my daughter Elizabeth in the way and manner as shall hereinafter be pointed out and also the payment of one fourth part of the value thereof unto my grandchildren the lawful heirs of my daughter Ruth to be paid in the way and manner as shall be hereinafter pointed out and my will re property is that my son Robert shall have the using of the messuage or tenament at a fair and just rent with all the lands and hereditaments to the same belonging which rents shall be set by my executors hereinafter named and (?????)(????)(?????) they shall (when ?0 (??????) agreeable to the times and then my son Robert shall pay one fourth part of such rent to his brother Edward aforesaid one fourth part ditto to his sister Elizabeth and one fourth part ditto to his sister Ruth which aforesaid fourth part shall be paid to them and not to their husband for their own use and benefit and their receipt solely shall be sufficient discharge for the payment thereof and whenever any timber is felled it shall be divided between my two sons and two daughters share and share alike only the shares of my daughters shall be paid (them ?) and not to their husbands for their own use and benefit absolutely my will that the rents shall be paid half yearly but my will this first half years shall not be paid until he shall have had it one
year or that there will be then always credit for one half year. The (sisters?) my daughters to receive the (same?) so long as they live and at their death then my said sons Robert and Edward shall pay the fourth part of the value of the said messuage lands and hereditaments as before mentioned unto the Grandchildren of my daughters Elizabeth and Ruth share and share alike as they obtain their respective ages of twenty one years (????) at the death of either my said daughters their children shall receive the fourth part as aforesaid and if at any time my son Edward be (driven out ?) of (??????) he shall then have the (????) (????) the same jointly with his brother Robert or (???) (?????) (???) they can (???) if available to (????) (????) (????) that Robert shall pay no more than one (????) part of the rent at any time nor shall he carry or sell any hay dung or (??????) of the land under the penalty of paying double the value. I give devise and bequeath the messuage or tenament now in the Farms in occupation of my son in law Joseph Sandys to my daughter his wife for and during the term of her natural life only the (????) to be accounted unto her at one hundred pounds (????) her share she (?????) the same in tenantable repairs and in default whereof my executors aforesaid to see done and pay themselves out of her share of the rent paid her out of the land (???) by (???) at her death I give devise and bequeath unto her child or children the lawful heirs of her body share and share alike their heirs and assigns for ever to hold the same as tenants in common and not as joint tenants. I give devise and bequeath the sum of fourteen pounds to my granddaughter (Mary/Amy ?) the daughter of Elizabeth Sandys to be paid her by my executors as following that is to say two pounds at my death and two pounds at the expiration of every twelve calendar months aforesaid until the whole is paid. Also I give and bequeath the sum of fourteen pounds to my housekeeper Susan (Cumbler ?) provided she is with me at the time of my decease. Also I give and bequeath the sum of five pounds apiece to each of my executors the rest residue and remainder of my estate I give devise and bequeath to be divided equally between my sons and daughters aforesaid and I do hereby (?????) (?????) (?????) and appoint Charles Wightwick of the parish of Tenterden Farmer and William (?????) of the parish of High Halden Farmer Executors of this my last will and Testament and that they shall be allowed reasonable expenses for what they may be forced to expend on account of executing this my will and that neither of them shall be answerable for any loss that may happen unless such loss happen through their wilful neglect and default not the one for the other of them but each one for his own acts and deeds only And I do hereby revoke and make void all former and other wills and testamentary papers by me at any time heretofore made and do declare this only to be my last will and testament in two sheets of paper contained. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal, to wit, my hand at the bottom of the first sheet thereof and my hand and seal to this second and last sheet thereof the day and year first above written.
Signed Edward Ballard.